I spent some of last night on the phone gathering interviews for our "Homegrown Heroes" feature during the intermission of Bronco broadcasts.
Yesterday's list included Kevin Peddle, Linda Luhning, Brian Blanke and Cheryl Scarlett. It's always interesting to find out a little behind the scenes information on the Bronco players and their hockey roots.
Parents.... just a heads up, there's another round of phone calls coming up tonight. Thanks for you cooperation so far.
I see CTV Regina made a stop as part of their ten town tour in my old hometown of Lanigan yesterday. Not sure if sports reporters Lee Jones or Chris Hodges made the trip or not. If so, give me the update guys! What's the word on the Lanigan Pirates this season? Powerhouse? Rebuilding?

It sounds like things are great for the former four-year Bronco. You can hear our chat this weekend during the Broncos three-in-three.

Ryan Switzer over there at "Switzer's Blog" on the right has taken a satirical approach to the upcoming Swift Current Civic Election.
Nominations close at 4pm this afternoon. At this point three have declared their plans to run for mayor: Stacey Ellertson, "Angry" Don Robinson and Jerrod Schafer. There's word of a 4th candidate emerging today.
I'm wondering if Ellertson may consider pulling the plug in the coming weeks considering his entire platform has been copy and pasted by Angry Don.
Schafer has to be pretty thrilled that both these candidates will basically saw each other off and divide the vote.
In a campaign video, Ellertson took a stab at being a "news reporter" . I don't think he'll become a youtube sensation anytime soon.
Ryan has more details here. Funny stuff.
It makes for good morning show fodder too. All three of our local morning shows have their fair share of election chatter these days.
More Bronco news as it happens later today,