Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Who's the Man in Regina?

So the media has apparently narrowed the field to just two vying for the Head Coach position of the Regina Pats.

Dale Derkatch and Marc Habscheid.

Both outstanding choices, with one hitting a lot closer to home for Swift Current hockey fans and myself.

Marc Habscheid would be a great choice and a very interesting one in the same breath. The local product who makes his off-season home split between Swift Current and Lac Pelletier was in the running for the Broncos coaching opening before the 2004/05 season.

Many stories have been told as to what exactly happened. I've heard it from both sides. While I won't get into specifics let's just say the storyline between Habscheid and the Broncos Board of Directors unfolds like a soap opera - depending on who you're listening to.

Have fences been mended? On the outside it appears so. I don't know the whole story and quite frankly don't ask. But up until last year a group of Bronco fans couldn't finish the sentence with the words Dean Chynoweth unless they added Marc Habscheid to it. Some still haven't let go.

Marc remains a big part of the community and was spotted attending many Bronco practices last season. His son Zach, a member of the local "AAA" midget Legionnaires attended a handful of Bronco practices in which Marc took in for a closer look.

He is on the verge of co-hosting the 3rd annual Harvey / Habscheid Charity golf tournament Friday at the Elmwood.

Taking nothing away from Dale Derkatch, Habscheid's resume speaks for itself. The only way he's not getting the gig is if Regina Pat's General Manager Brent Parker feels Habscheid's demands are too great.

There was a report of Habscheid asking for the rights of first refusal if/when the Pats came up for sale by the Parkers. I'm expecting that is a big issue.

Tomorrow morning Marc Habscheid and Nancy Harvey join us on the Eagle 94.1 FM morning show to promote their annual golf event. Forgive me if I slide in some questions regarding the Pats and the vacant head coaching position.

I'll post Marc's thoughts here sometime tomorrow morning.


One sure sign the hockey season is nearing? The ice is already in at the I-plex. I was there yesterday and got a 1980's feel when gazing upon the ultra-white surface. No ice sponsors in yet, no board signs... the way it used to look.

The Broncos will open up rookie camp August 18th at the I-plex after staging it last fall in at the Fairview Arena because of renovations.


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