This pic has been making it's way on the e-mail forwards today... about sums up the current injury situation for the Riders.
A bunch of us took in the game in Regina last night. For three quarters of football it was one of the poorest Rider showings I have seen live. They made a game of it in the 4th, and got some exctitement going at Mosiac Stadium.
They were due for a letdown game, I just don't want it to be when I'm there. Better last night than Labour Day when 60 to 80 of us will take in the contest as a group. That's promising to be fun as always.
I won't go into game details, there's plenty of blogs out there to break down what happened and what didn't happen.... but give credit to Calgary. They executed their offense quite efficiently in the first half. A near flawless performance that had the Riders guessing and being dominated at the line of scrimmage.
I have a week off will likely not be blog posting during that time. After the week of holidays are up, Broncos camp opens full swing and I'll be posting on a regular basis then....
Hockey season is almost here....
You might know the answer to this, is there a cfl team season record for broken legs or did the riders just set it?
your guess is as good as mine... not sure if they keep track of that sort of stuff M.
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