Tuesday, January 23, 2007

This Again??

So I see there's another raging debate on one of the Broncos message boards about revenue and profit/loss margins with this hockey club. Great. Some of the posters are starting to agitate me with their thoughts and takes on this subject which they know nothing or little about.

Hey I'm no expert on this either but inside team sources tell me that barring the Broncos missing the playoffs, the hockey club should post a small profit this season (knock on wood). Some people seem to think this team is going to lose 200k this year? Where are they getting this from. And all this talk about the SJHL Broncos returning in 5 to 10 years . . . enough. The Broncos, the City, the fans and business owners are in this for the long term. Civic Center renovations at the price tag of $13 million is a big step towards securing this team well into 2015 and beyond.

I understand the financial obstacles this team has to overcome but I'm a big believer in the people who support this team. With all this negative talk creeping in it's almost like some want to see this franchise leave again.

Also, all these "ways to get more fans to the rink ideas". It's a nice thought but we all know what the biggest factor is in that, should I spell it? W-I-N-N-I-N-G. It's the best marketing tool a team can have. Just think what a nice playoff run would do for this city and the fans. The entire community rallying together as one - us against them. Business signs with "Go Broncos Go". Bronco fever taking over this city and the south-west. Just think what that would do for this team. It would be a revitalization of Bronco nation.

I was a part of the 2000-2001 playoff run (color commentator) that saw the Broncos battle Red Deer in the Eastern Conference Final. That was something special. We need another post-season to remember in the next two years. No doubt it will do a wonder for the team's bottom line.

Longtime Bronco fan/stickboy/colorman Ryan Switzer and I had a chat about this today. Nowadays there are just too many entertainment options out there. Staying home is a treat. With satellite TV, DVD players, home theater systems, video games, the internet, it's just too easy to spend the night at home. Back when the Broncos average crowd was 2500, there wasn't too many entertainment options out there. Going to the Broncos game was the event of the week. Now it gets lost in the shuffle with driving around the kids to different events and activities, and just trying to keep up with the quicker pace of life. Ryan pointed out that back in the 80's and 90's other groups in town and senior hockey leagues in the southwest would schedule their events around the Broncos home-ice sked. Times have changed. We just have to make the most of them. It really is up to us.

Anyways, just my thoughts, please feel free to agree or disagree in the comments portions.

On an unrelated note I just heard Peter Loubardias from Sportsnet refer to Colton Yellowhorn as the "Brocket Rocket". Choose to believe this or not, but Ryan S. actually came up with that one night when Yellowhorn was visiting the Civic Center as a 17 year-old with the Lethbridge Hurricanes. It spread like wildfire around the league, now Loubardias is telling it to the nation on Sportsnet tonight. That's great.

Broncos and Pats tomorrow night 7:30pm face-off. We're on the air at 7pm.

See you at the CC,


Anonymous said...

One day maybe i will disagree with you but not on this one. I dont know where some people get their info. from. These people are obviously misinformed. The best thing i did besides becoming a corporate sponsor was attend the Sponsor Luncheon. Both Dean and Eldon explained it perfectly. And we are expected to turn a small profit this year. Last year we only lost money due to the sale of the team bus (accounting stuff). We are not even close to losing this team. Anyways, excellent blog and see you at the rink.

Anonymous said...

Jon, I remember that exact night that Ryan Switzer said that....was Yellow Horn with Lethbridge at the time? I was listening at home and of course, hadn't met you guys yet. "The Brocket Rocket." Wow! That spread like wildfire! Cya tomorrow at the Civ. Centre, and of course, LET'S GO SWIFTY!!!

Anonymous said...

I think you can thank Moberg for the rumours with his doom and gloom statement at the start of the season.